Ever since I got married and more so when the children came along, I had made a career of nagging. It 's 'hurry up', 'remember to be back in time for the children's....', 'have you finished your homework?', 'practice your organ!','when are you going to bathe?'; 'when are you going to change the light bulb'; ' go to bed', ' you mustn't eat so much heaty/cooling/sweet/spicy/salty/high cholesterol foods...' and so on and so forth.....
It's tiresome, sometimes I wish I can engage some professional to do it instead. But then who would want such tedious work and how much can one fork out, plus how to check the suitable candidate's training background and credentials? And how many are as good a nag as me? Maybe my brother who takes after Grandpa? Even my Dad and my elder sis, those strong-willed ones will not just give way to him but will also act in accordance to his anticipated wishes in order to avoid a bout of nagging. Why is it then that no one is making a big deal out of it? Why no seminars or tv programs, top-sellers' self-help' how to' nagging books ( well, Oz's Wendy Harmer has little illustrated funny book on it) or even a simple ode to this art?
Anyway, I digress. All parents, teachers, housewives do, that is digress ( and of course nag) . And I'm all of these. But poets do digress too, at least Lord Byron does, so that's not too bad. One day I received a post card from London. Among other things, it says, ' Thank you for all your nagging, please continue to nag!' It was from my ex-students.
This time however, the tables have turned. It's my daughter who has been nagging me to start a blog. And as testimony to the effectiveness of her success in this art, here it is ...